Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Thatā€™s incredibly irresponsible of you.

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What is, following doctors advice?

You told the doctor you had symptoms and he or she told you to be off out and about carrying on as if everything is grand?

I doubt that very much.



Some good news, percentage growth of infections and death continuing to fall in Italy.


Where did I say any of that you mother fucking cock sucking bastard? I said for 10 days iā€™ve hardly been out. I was only onto the doc Thursday. I havent been inside a public establishment since then ,just walked the dog ā€¦ youā€™re making stuff up here just to have a go, you fucking faggot. The doctor said iā€™m low risk anyway and he didnt tell me to self isolate. You dirty dying cunt.

Hope allā€™s well pal and youā€™re minding yourself and the mrs.


Youā€™re a Kilkenny version of Willie Oā€™Dea

Fucking instagrammers will do anything for followers

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You bastard corona

So everybody else in the country with symptoms is being told to self isolate but you were told to head out onto the green kicking ball with the dog and the other children on the estate and go on the lash with your in laws coming back from Spain? Go on outta that, pull the other one.

Iā€™m good mate thanks for asking.


Iā€™m going around licking door handles by night instead of breaking in


Sheā€™ll destroy it


U talkin to me fucko?

Still 600 deaths though

Dropped again though.

They seem to think Saturday/Sunday was their peak.

I thought that they hadnā€™t tested most of the population outside of cities.

Olympics postponed also.

Just seeing the UK numbers, 967 cases and 54 deaths :frowning_face:

How does that compare to yesterday ?