Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

“Sewage testing”

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Snipers on watchtowers around Cavan for Tomas

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Tomas was doing OK there until he went a bit Mad Max towards the end.


Claire Byrne pulling polls out her hole again

She must be asking the same thousand people in these weekly smart phone polls.

Only morons take polls. Its a poll of stupid people

I like it better when Sinn Fein send the “up the ra” lad out for tv appearances.

Claire introducing Senator Lisa Chambers as a Fianna FĂĄil TD.

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I have been strongly OIUTF with a while now as I don’t believe benefits balance with the negatives.

I would say I would nearly be willing to go for zero covid for 5 weeks if they were willing to give it a shot. In this current strategy I will still be attending the shebeen Saturday week.

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If he’s still saying the same thing after the third jab in 12 months time, will people cop on?

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Ian Paisley will surely be in favour of foreign travel what with all those family trips to Sri Lanka.


Paisley Jnr seething here as usual.

‘All mouth no trousers’ says Ian Paisley Jr re an all Ireland approach

I’ll see ye in about five years.

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Picture of King Billy on the wall behind him.


Just saw that. I’d say he moved it so it would be behind him for this.


Can we organise a gofundme page to fund a plane ticket for Tomas Ryan to extensively tour New Zealand and Australia to fully get a handle on zero covid best practices for the next five years or so?

He has quite the fan club on twitter these days.

Does the good cesspit or bad cesspit favour him?