Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Paisley talking some sense here

This Zero COVID seems to be the best option right now, if government have the backbone to implement it.

A hard lockdown for 5 or 6 weeks, and tight restrictions on the borders to get cases to very low levels, as Tomas Ryan was saying. Just go for it now and look forward to April.

The other option is going to be lockdowns for the rest of 2021 and maybe beyond.

Ian Jnr goes in studs up there.

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Oisin set up here in a snooker hall.

Great picture quality from Oisinā€™s home setup here.

They canā€™t get TomĆ”s out of the studio.



Lads need to relax. We had not heard of Covid 19 until this time last year. We were having pints by the summer. Thereā€™s a few vaccines. Weā€™ll see an avenue to everything opening back up (if not actually open) by the end of April.




Some proper countries will go back to normal making a show of us and weā€™ll fall in behind


About to get a demonstration of how to put on a mask.

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Lads donā€™t do it to yourselves, turn on something else

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Thatā€™s a fine looking mask.

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The KN95 looks class. Claire Byrne has ocd with the hand washing.

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Weā€™ve made a right mess of things really, I know the new strains havenā€™t helped but the Government donā€™t seem to have any plan. I wonā€™t be booking any flights after what Iā€™ve seen tonight. Weā€™re in this until close to everyone is vaccinated.

Another year of this all but confirmed now

lets say that by June, most of the 60 plus age group are vaccinated, and the attention turns to the younger people.

A lot of the under 50ā€™s arenā€™t going to take the vaccine, and many many parents arenā€™t going to want their young children to get the vaccine, at least for 2 or 3 years until the vaccine has been proven.

Difficult to see how this virus gets eliminated.