Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I donā€™t understand why all the OIUTFsters arenā€™t zero covid men? Give it a go at least rather than the current shite again and again. Is it because tomas Ryan is a skinny nerdy lad?


Fintan O Toole has a column on this in todayā€™s paper. The official policy for Ireland since 1958 when Whitaker and Lemass took the reins had been openness and outward looking. The political establishment and the civil service canā€™t even comprehend closing the borders.

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Leo all but confirmed itā€¦ Another 10 months to a year.

365 days @BruidheanChaorthainn

Understandably so. Closing the borders isnā€™t something that should or would be taken lightly.

Not that its the reason for our civil servants reluctance mind you, thats just the shower of cunts you have in such places.

I see the eminent scientist Tomas Ryan is a Waterford man. Went to school in St Augustines in Dungarvan.

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Leoā€™s just giving lads the butt of the hurley here. Weā€™ll be summering without a care in the world by July.

When Leo and co. say Zero Covid isnā€™t possible, are they also giving up on Full Stadiums/Pubs/Festivals or what?

A Level 2 type situation we had last summer, the best we can hope for?

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You donā€™t get it fellaā€¦ This will be dragged out to itā€™s fullest. It suits politicians and particularly those in power, they are untouchable.

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Yeah Leo is an old pro at this. Promising an indefinite lockdown and then euphoria when we open up after 8 months.

And then an indefinite lockdown to flatten the curve

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Iā€™m more surprised lads are still falling for it. But if it keeps the masses entertainedā€¦

Tranquilo lads. Thereā€™s a vaccine. Just a matter of time.

Not aware of him. Minister of Health usually fronts up.

Muy bien :clap:

Youā€™d want your head examined to think there will be festivals this year. Itā€™s not happening. Glastonbury already gone, and the others will try and sell as much tickets as possible to help cashflow before ā€˜postponingā€™ to next year.
We might get some small crowds into stadiums, but certainly not full. A few thousand at best.

I tried telling lads that schools are still planning for lockdowns next autumn but they donā€™t want to hear it.

Ride out this year and all will be fine. Weā€™ve nearly 1/12th of the year boxed off already

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Youā€™re a bad bastardā€¦ Half the problem is lads canā€™t.

And what about 2022?

Weā€™ll be back. Full house for league gamesā€¦