Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Whereā€™d you get that? He qualified as a GP and has a masters in public health according to the Wikipedia.

Weā€™re de-vaccinating a few

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Another double century for Joe Root?


Tony refuses to declare

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Jonathan Van Tam actually did a good press conference earlier playing down the variant doom sayers.

Thatā€™s funny even if not true.

A good chunk of them probably are, sadly. RIP.

Have they exhausted all the projects contingency at this stage I wonder? cc @Biff_Egan

Egghead is a GANTT

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Imagine General Holohans reaction

Todayā€™s case figure is 1/10 of what it was a month ago.

Proof that lockdown works. QED

Still too high

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If we stay in lockdown forever we are sorted

Only if we worry hard enough on top

Iā€™ve invested too much in WFH resources to let the new normal die

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I was driving yesterday morning and had newstalk on the radio, your man Gavan Reillys show was on inadvertently.

Wasnt really listening to it closely but the Covid segment came up around vaccines etc, and Gavan being the company man that he is more or less acknowledged ro his guest that regardless of vaccine transmission certain restrictions were here to stay long beyond 2021 via social distancing, mask wearing, mass gatherings etc,

The key to this was whats becoming known now is vaccines cannot stop transmissipn but may make people less sympthomatic,

I missed a decent 5 minutes of the conversation to be fair while I was acquiring a breakfast roll but still Iā€™d have to say Gavan Reilly is an absolute cunt and a traitor to journalism across the board to be parrotting that narrative,

If he is one of the better performing young journalists in the country as he trys to make out, we are absolutely fucked lads.


Thatā€™s a great line. TFK at its finest. :joy:


Everyone wants a slice of the cake.