Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


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40 cases
1 death

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You’re some spoofer.

Mike trusts Jacinta Aherne shur she eradicated it


Along with the economy


a single state nation in the arse end of nowhere, and the useless cunts still cannot contol it! that what we should aspire to


If you disagree with anything I wrote, then out with it.

0 cases in Laois

Let my people go

Of today’s 40 cases, 12 are in Dublin, 11 in Kildare, 7 in Offaly, and the rest of the cases are in Clare, Donegal, Limerick, Meath, Roscommon, Tipperary, Wicklow.


You’re the piggies in the middle I’m afraid. You’re facilitating the transfer between Offaly and Kildare.

As good as onto day 6 already kid - nearly half way there … Laois wont be found wanting

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Let us go, we pray thee

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That’s an outrageous thing to say. Pubs have done nothing wrong. Not a single case traced back to them.


the pubs are open here on the mainland for five weeks, no problems, the opened in scotland and some gaff in Aberdeen was riddled with it, sturgeon shat the bed like aherne in NZ and closed everything, what a cod

Clare and Limerick up there due to the Kilkee summer festival

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Galway and Kerry down near the bottom even though both places have been absolutely jam packed with domestic tourists for the past 6 weeks.

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I think I’d go to more concerts if they were setup like this forever. No fighting your way in and out to get a drink. Looks like bliss

Even the brits have admitted they ramped up the figures


Politicians are dangerous at this point. They’re looking at millions now in the grand scheme of billions (and trillions) in terms of lockdowns. They will just say the damage was done regardless of the need to make new restrictions. You look like a great leader “saving lives” in bringing in new restrictions.


there was lads that died in car crashes and that died from chronic cancer who just happened to have covid included in the lists, they are the same shit in Ireland, five hundred of those who died should not be on the list, but the likes of Brendan on facebook will not hear of it, PROJECT FEAR, this thing is less dangerous than the cold, the only comfort I have is that people are starting to wake up at last, the likes of lockdown Mike are finished