Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

They will have no level of immunity whatsoever to this, given their previous strategy.

they will be overrun like Italy

I don’t think a zero COVID strategy is possible. If it’s not realistic for an island a million miles from anywhere, it’s certainly not for us.


Hopefully people will realise that zero covid is not possible and the world will accept peopel will get sick and die. Others will survive until the next pandemic. Zero covid could have been achieved if the Chinese nuked Wuhan before Christmas but they missed the boat on that.

Is it “Lockdown Mike” or “Mike Lockdown” ?

Jacinta is a lefty sure. They hate FREEDOM

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Split into two islands as well. You’d control the corona in your sleep down there.

Can we open up the pubs so Leo can have a press conference and mock New Zealand?


Does it count as community transmission if you know where it came from?

Makes no difference to the poor unfortunates being marched off into “quarantine facilities” I’d say

Given we had no cases yesterday it wouldn’t surprise me if they pluck a few deaths from March and announce them with tonight’s figures to keep project lockdown on the road.

Hopefully it ends up with a few harder questions to the Zero Covid crew.

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Was talking to a mate in Warsaw there this morning. He has two daughters and is taking them back to Ireland for confirmation this weekend. The priest rang him up and said that there was “discontent” among some of the the parents of the other kids because of people travelling back to Ireland for the ceremony. So they agreed that the two girls will have a separate ceremony. However, it turns out that the complaining parents are one family who just happen to have come back from a two week holiday in Spain!


When the world opens up NZ will be wiped out like the indigenous Americans when the settlers arrived.

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Shop them in.

they never thought of that, the great Jacinta will have some egg on her face

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Fuck them. Chickens home to roost

If Trump suggests that the screaming Marys have near on a seizure

The Screaming Maoris will have a field day with Aherne.


Next thing she’ll be saying she cant wash the shampoo out of her hair.