Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

It’s a bit of a surprise they haven’t just tried an oul Haka

Maori Mike :joy:


You joke, but you just know, they already have, or are planning one.


Things arent all black and white there

You cant say that anymore.

@mikehunt what are they going to do when the world opens up? hide under the bed for 100 years is it?

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The priest found out and has now written to all parents saying if youse have been travelling you need to have been isolating or you’re not taking part. Which is fair enough.



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Now you’re getting it. Zero covid not possible, so we need to take precautions to limit the spread. Like social distancing and wearing masks.

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Proper masks tho — Not lads with a bit of tissue of pulling their jumper up around their mouth.

I presume the government are procuring them for distribution for the masses ahead of winter?

You want everything for free


from the fallen movie series , imagine trying to write a screenplay t for that! How the hell would you get Gerard butler into it :laughing:

The Butlers are synonymous with Carlow

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No mate ---- if gov are insisting on people wearing masks then they have a duty to ensure they are available – i’m happy to pay once I know it’s a medically approved mask and not some fake off t’internet.

I find myself shaking my head in amazement with him and in agreement with you.

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Gerard goes back to the homeland for a holiday and to trace his roots when he accidentally uncovers a plot to assassinate The county mayor who happens to be his 8th cousin Twice removed, I’m liking this movie

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Draw in the quaker graveyard there and an explosion on the Graigue bridge and this thing will be golden.

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As a man marooned in his own county I thought you’d be in favour of approved masks being used rather than flimsy things that dont work - is that not reckless and irresponsible?

I have sourced my own masks. I wasn’t brought up on handouts.

Azzuri Sports are doing masks in county colours and these are retailing at Centra