Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Lads how long do we need to keep up the oul social distancing for? Is it until there’s a vaccine? Also, how strictly are we to comply with it? Is it very strictly? Or the oul Irish nod and a wink compliance? Obviously a strict compliance means young single people can’t hook up until there’s a vaccine which could be years away yet. I dunno I can’t see how that would work, it would be asking an awful lot of young people to not have sex again for an indeterminate period of time, possibly years. This is all very confusing, it’s almost like people are just repeating phrases without giving even a moment’s thought to the implications of what they are saying.


isn’t the current Irish government advice is not to have sex if you are not in a relationship?

We have to go on as if a vaccine is not forthcoming — schools have to open - young people will have to get it - a kind of herd immunity is probably the best we can aim for… deaths have almost stopped as it is - because we killed most of the weak off already by not protecting them.

Does it seem a bit harsh no? I suppose single people are like the publicans and the working class who have lost their jobs - sacrificial lambs to save the middle class emailing from home people. I’m sure they’re happy to pay the price.

Do you?

Well they’d hardly make something mandatory to save lives and not have any hand in issuing them?

Hopefully this advice can help you Horsey mate.

What? That’s crazy talk, mate. We need to continue on in this semi coma state for as long as is needed. Not one covid death can be tolerated.

Why not, we tolerate deaths from all kinds of sickness every day. What makes coven so special?

It’s just different, stop being difficult and asking stupid questions.

Thanks mate but I’m being serious here for once. How long do you think this should go on for?

Anyway - Home made masks are gonna stop it so you can relax and young people can have sexy time as long as they wear any kind of covering over their mouth and do it from a 2m distance

It is going to be like the last month of so for the foreseeable future. Certain areas being somewhat locked down due to outbreaks and opened again. Eventually the hope will be to drive the numbers down to inconsequential. Schools opening will cause a challenge to that but the Government seems to be willing to take that risk.

The international situation has to be considered as well. Realistically foreign travel will be dissuaded for months to come.

How long that will last for? Who knows? But I do think that each time we suppress it we are making it weaker in that simply there are less people out there with it and therefore capable of spreading it. The overall aim would be to suppress it completely to cause it to die out but that has to be a global approach or else we need to really watch the foreign travel bit.

The pub situation does seem to be a bit of a nod and a wink at the moment. I know of loads of pubs in the country scrambling to buy pizza ovens and the guards seem to be ok with that so long as pubs are not jammed. But the days of stags and hens in the pub are gone for a long time.

As for the young ones, I saw something recently where the HSE are recommending phone sex. Poor Archbishop McQuaid would be turning in his grave.

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I respect you, bro but just have a think about that for a while. Put yourself back in your 20 year old self’s shoes. We are asking them to not attend a college course in person, not go to the pub, not have house parties, not have sex, not experience life as all of us experienced it. This applies to everyone in the world from 18 to say 30. For an indeterminate period of time. To try to eliminate a disease that is pretty harmless to the vast majority of people. And for which most people would agree it is now impossible to eliminate.

Oh and none of them will have jobs either as the economic implications of what we are doing at the moment don’t bare thinking about.

So they can stay at home in their parents houses wanking into their sock which is also their face mask.

I dunno about that, seems implausible to me.


Doesnt affect lads here so they dont give a fuck.


Never did you any harm…


Put on the green jersey @Horsebox

We’re all in this together mate,

It’ll only be for a few more weeks.


Bro I was only giving my take on what’s going to happen. Not whether it was right or wrong.

I take your point though - a lot of emphasis on not stunting the development of school kids but what about the older crowd?

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Thats exactly it. For most on here, their lives are actually a lot better. No commute, more time with their families, saving a load of cash etc

Its desperately unfair on young people though. And there’s no where to run to either like in the past.