Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

For real :joy: He’ll struggle to hold onto his job if true

Why? Government advice to avoid non-essential travel doesn’t apply to green list countries. I’d say bord fáilte are digusted at the government’s attitude to travel.


why? is it illegal to leave the country?


Yeah maybe his in some reciprocal arrangement with his Italian counter part.

He’s not on the covid payment so he’ll be regarded as a hero.

So what ??? Is this what Irish “journalism”’is at now ??

A massive proportion of incoming travellers are ignoring the quarintine advice or have itineraries that make it impossible. A massive amount of people travelling over and back to Poland for 3-4 days.

Ah sure lookit the optics wouldn’t be great is all.


Have the government not said many times that the advice is still not to travel outside the country?

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I don’t know what you mean there I don’t think it makes any sense.

Probably not in the current curtain peeking environment but the Indo ( cunts ) are pure putting up click bait

I spotted a local busybody lambasting a young fella for not wearing a mask in a shop last week. Same stupid ould cunt is abroad spraying Roundup without a mask this morning :sweat_smile:


Non essential travel is advised. If you do travel, you are advised to adhere to the local guidelines for the green list countries. Italy is fully unrestricted for Irish visitors, so I’d imagine you’d have to wear a mask and social distance much the same as here.

I’m sure the bord failte guy could claim essential travel to look at drumming up tourism from Italy while he is there.

More hypocrisy from the OIUTF crew here.

There should be no restrictions on travel.
Someone travels.
That’s fucking outrageous, he should be sacked.

Gas cunts

I’m sure you know well enough.

Who called for him to be sacked?

No I’ve no idea what you’re on about. That he’d have some sort of agreement with the tourism chief in Italy? Nonsense.

Michael O Leary’s Deputy should be running the country

Travel to a very limited set of locations is exempted from this advice.

List includes Italy. The guy is breaking no rules and can travel abroad and back if he wants.


You are in some bubble if you don’t think the optics of this look terrible.

There’s a difference between what you can do and what you should do.


There is a green list there, and anyone can travel to and from the destinations on it without restriction if they want.

That is what the advice says.

Why bother with a green list if people aren’t going to make use of it?

He is following the government advice to the letter.

What’s the issue?

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