Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

As I said, he’s no mug. Either he didn’t give a fuck or he’s trying to make a point (for his Ryanair mates)

Or he could be making a point for his current bord failte mates

Ireland makes some of the best Mozzarella outside Italy… then there’s the 70/80 Italian lads from Armagh that support Tyrone … A unique Italian community in itself. And the Italian chippers in Ireland was one of the greatest success stories of the 20th story — we’ve lots in common with Italy - they gave us a virus in thanks for it all.


That they don’t agree with gov policy? I’m sure they can clarify that

Maybe they will, this could be the hook. As you said he’s no mug. He will expect a backlash.

The optics arent great but it’s not a huge issue either ffs… thousands upon thousands of Irish people are holidaying abroad. Granted, he might be in a position to set an example but talks of resignation are just bizarre… the world we live in I suppose.

It doesn’t need to be essential travel. Thats the point. He’s going to a green list country for a holiday or whatever. Green list is exempt from any other advice. Free to go. Off you go. No restrictions, no other advice applies. Good luck to him. Did nothing wrong.

I would say yes it is. Work related travel is severely restricted and he’s unlikely to have anything work related in Italy that absolutely must be done now. Italy and Ireland are not a target market for each other, we are too small to be of interest to them.

I’m pretty sure one of the tourism agencies already publicly called for the government to reopen travel about a month ago.

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I actually looked at the gov website and it’s as you say - which is completely at odds to what politicians etc have been saying for the last couple of months.

Bonkers. Whether it should or shouldn’t be - at least the advice should be consistent.

Although, I hear SF are now calling for him to step down because he travelled against gov advice :joy::joy:

He’s just resigned.

Pathetic — I’d say he must have been on the verge of quitting and decided to go out in a blaze.

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The test of a good dog-food salesman is whether he’s willing to get down and eat his own dog-food.

For fuck sake.

He must have gotten himself a big pay day.

Fucking eejit on both counts. Going and resigning.

The mob have spoken.

The game’s gone

The advice/guidance is completely inconsistent

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He doesn’t need the money or hassle in this job.


Nah - he’s a seriously well-off man as it is. Chairman gig wasn’t for the money. I’d say he just couldn’t be arsed with the hassle.

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There’s a touch of the Pee Flynns about it.

You try and take 3 holidays on my salary and come back to me said Mr Cawley.