Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

No doubt the baying mob will look for this decent man to resign now.

Off with his head

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How do you know he’s decent?

A victory for the angry mob

Anybody that thinks he wasn’t aware of the optics or the likely fallout is delusional.

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The Mc is the voice of reason once again

It’s all about responsible citizens


200 new confirmed cases

Zero new deaths

• 68 are associated with outbreaks or are close contacts of a confirmed case
• 25 cases from community transmission

Zero deaths again. This is great news

It is.

Hospital admissions jump slightly though.

What are the hospital numbers? Talked to the auld pair last night and they weren’t too hysterical yet🙈

136 being treated - ( 14 Covid confirmed )

8 in ICU I think.

Thanks. Must be serious idle chat going on about the place.

55 waiting results in UHL…

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People have had their eyes widened.

Seems standards have slipped everywhere.

Dublin to be locked down

If they lock Dublin down we’ll all be put back into it. Which would be a fucking disaster

It would. It would be idiotic and serve fuck all purpose.

I expect them to do it


People won’t be happy

The proportion of new cases in Dublin has been falling.