Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Cui Bono?

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I wouldn’t count on it. Leo is already guaranteeing clusters in schools. The schools will be the excuse to keep Project Fear in 6th gear not the other way round


Medics and academics will be back on top of the economic pile in a bankrupt country.

NPHET clearly signalling a restriction of sorts. They may get a shock with regards to compliance this time around.

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A nerd’s wet dream

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It’ll be hard to keep Project Fear going without a bit of an auld spike in deaths though. You have new case curves deflattening everywhere at the moment, but the deaths are staying low.

RTÉ will need to spin up a covert death squad to knock off a few patients unless the numbers start playing ball.


Marty Morrisey loves a challenge. Incidentally he and all the sports dept have been getting full whack throughout, even the 3 months or so there was no sport.

How many dead in Ireland? What value do you place on their lives?


The same value as I put on every other life.

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RTE could lead on this



He’s gotta have big blue eyes
Be able to satisfy
He’s gotta be big and strong
And love to turn me on

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Case numbers increasing globally but death rates are dropping in huge numbers. How can NPHET be looking at increasing restrictions with only 16 in hospital with it? It looks like the virus is losing it’s potency.

No that isn’t it in my opinion bod. The people that need to self isolate are doing so but healthy people are out and about. They are driving case numbers up but it isn’t really dangerous to them.

Another 12 months at least


Experts are doubling down on fear.

People need to do the right things and act sensibly.

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He was at the same craic last week. But would ye listen to me? Nah

We’re all screaming into the void, We’re not loud enough.

You believe this gil?

Irelands greatest enemy was never the brits, it was our own docile natue being prayed upon by a deeply engrained informant culture, plus ca change. Covid is teaching us a lot about what it really means to be Irish