Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Are we getting to the fuck it point? A safe mass produced vaccine is 12 months off, peoples lives are destroyed by a relatively low fatality virus for the majority of people. We can’t stop the spread, pandora is out if the box. Herd immunity is the way forward, people will get sick some will die. That’s life unfortunately, we are highly advanced with medical science in 2020 but we cannot turn this around. Time to take stock, plan ahead on how to handle the next one better. Thankfully this virus wasn’t more deadly. The next one could be.

If we’re lucky mate

Brits, church and now our new masters medical doctors. The last remnants of our culture are being squeezed out. Back under the bed like a good paddy and we might let you stream hurling over shite eir broadband


It’s why the Church got away with industrial sexual abuse too.


Wtf? :grinning:

Mick was laughing at John Bull a couple of months ago. He’s not laughing anymore. Back under the bed quick a mhaic, the junta will see us through


Still laughing at Dornie T stateside too. Hes falling into herd immunity thorugh ignorance

I’m flabbergasted by it. Been talking to a lot of long term exiles. None of them can believe the shite coming from home.


You’re mates are 100% right sadly.

It’s baffling and hard to credit really.

We are incredibly selfish people too by nature. Look at how we forgot about the wee six.


It’s just the lack of any criticism or alternative point of view that I don’t understand.


It’s shown the “journalists” in Ireland for what they are.


It’s the extremely juvenile response any criticism or questioning gets here that means there is no proper debate. You see it on TFK all the time, anyone questioning the status quo is accused of wanting old people to die or that they only want to go to the pub so most people keep the heads down.


There’s no room for grey or nuance in modern life.


Nail on the head. Borderline call you a murderer. Incredibly juvenile stuff.


Stop being alt right

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Like bait whores

There has been an incredible about turn in the positioning of the roles assumed by the OIUTF posters vs the LIDTF exponents since the beginning of the crisis. The former were initially seem as WUMs but that mantle has now been assumed by the latter.

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PM Arden has put general election date back 4 weeks

If the Commander in Chief did the same there’d be outrage