Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

A very busy day today in Dublin. Most people here have deliberately increased their social contacts since the stage 3+ was announced.

It was like Christmas Eve in Liffey valley this afternoon

Gerry Killeen was back predicting 35,000 deaths today before itā€™s all over. A bit to go yet seeing as weā€™re still on 1,800 odd.


He predicted 10,000 cases a day by Christmas a few weeks back.

There will be people going around with bits of tinsel and fairy lights on their masks and wearing santa themed sanitary gloves


read someone on twitter say we never got herd immunity to the flu why would we get it for this

whats the counter argument to that?

How many times in your life have you had flu?

I had it once. Itā€™s not that easy to get flu.

Flu mutates/different strains are more predominant each year. Vaccine take up in Ireland is about 40 per cent. If more people got the vaccine each year fewer people would get it. Herd immunity is possible for flu by bigger vaccine take up but people donā€™t see it as a serious illness so donā€™t bother.

Covid is 3x more deadly than a bad flu.


They could make one out of PPE

Itā€™s the manana virus.

This is the natural conclusion of snowflakeism, a world where dying is the ultimate sin.

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Nobody should die unless they are empowered and choose to die.

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100 cases in hospital currently and this means the system is under ā€œsevere pressureā€. Itā€™s criminal. Itā€™s like they didnā€™t think there was going to be a surge in cases once winter came round again. Maybe they thought if we would stay under the bed long enough the virus would just fizzle out.

FFG decades of neglect of the health service coming home to roost


20 per cent of the ā€œopenā€ critical care beds are vacant.

Next two weeks are vital.

No word from HSE in flu vaccine availability.

Which is about standard. In a normal winter they run at about 120% capacity. Itā€™s 96% on average for the year

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When Did Ewan change his tune?

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He must be planning a move back to Brazil