Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Figures just updated

112 in hospital.

17 in ICU

We’re in bother lads

I’ve booked 6 (six) flu vaccines just to be safe.

This is no time to be conservative

Get to the pub as often and for as long as possible this week guys.

Where we are going there will be no pubs.


Marriage and abortion referenda: the old people have to help us out for our future, c’mon old people, don’t be so old.

Covid measures: hurry up and die you old cunts, we want to sesh

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Yeah, thought so.


To party
We like
We like to party

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Up much since Friday?

My understanding is that it depends how long the antibodies last. The longer they last, the quicker natural herd immunity can be achieved. If they only last a few months then those who had the illness in March, could well get it again now, and the virus will continue to float around.

If, however they last longer, then more people will be walking around immune and they in turn will encounter more immune people and the virus will stop spreading.

ICU figure was 18 yesterday. Down to 17 again. Same as Friday

Confirmed cases in Hospital figure is up by 12.

There have been 4 admissions to hospital and 4 discharges from Hospital in the past 24 hours.

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What about a very bad flu?

Where do you access these graphs?

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Percentage of positive tests seems to be steadily increasing.

Only 6 to go. The finish line is in sight

Did your man delete the tweet? For some reason its saying not available to me.


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If so that’s a bad sign.

Vox pop on Claire Byrne earlier. Lady in Cork saying people have to get on with their lives, get out and meet people. Keep your social social distance but life has to return to some degree of normality.

Cuts back to Claire - “clearly, that’s not the view of most people, is it?”

Then she had GP Matt O’Toole on (this geezer is getting a fair bit of profile and airtime out of this pandemic). Said he had 200 elderly people in his practice the other night for the flu job. He said 190 of those are terrified and not having anyone in their home, including family members.


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