Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


Scary symptoms for any 20 year old to get. But good to see he made a @lazarus like recovery and is now able to tweet about it.


He got some pelters in the replies

Did he ever hear of social distancing? More people in there than can fit in Croke Park

They went to check if pubs were compliant. They were. They then went to complaining about people being outdoors on the street drinking.

Next segment was how do we allow kids to trick or treat safely. They are outdoors so it’s generally safe.

What did Brezzy say?

Reminds of that Ashling Thompson interview on Ray D’Arcy a few years back.

“I was in a very serious car accident, severe back and neck injuries”
“How long were you in hospital?”

Cark weirdos.


Would you need 3 phase power to run an ICU?

So 17 Covid patients in ICU and we’re in a spot of bother? Brian Lucey’s question about what have the HSE been doing is a good one. Covid aside, how would the country have handled a large accident like a train crash or something affecting a large number of people?

Our trains don’t go fast enough to crash.


My recollection is that Liam Brady’s father was the train driver

One for the didnthappenoftheyear on Twitter

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They’ve slowed down since then.

Buttevant has a lot of Protestants

In fact we’ve been doing away with railways as much as possible and replacing them with cycle ways for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

You do know that certain posters find that kind of commentary immature and non sensical.

It is immature and non-sensical.

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This is the same mcwilliams who insisted governments can’t create jobs so why do they pontificate about it…

Wasn’t most of the additional capacity garnered from acquiring private capacity temporarily, back when it was presumed necessary?

Is he a doctor and a rapper?