Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The Covid Tracker App got an update.


Pat Spillane is OIUTF.

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21,789 tests in the past 24 hours.

672 were positive for COVID. Approx 3.08%

Positive Rate (%) Previous 7 Days for July to September

Positive Rate (%) Previous 7 Days for September

I heard on the radio here this morning that 3% of UK cases in recent weeks have been traced back to pubs, 44% to universities. With students returning to universities in Ireland this week there is almost certainly going to be an increase in cases in the weeks ahead. I am sure a sensible, measured response will be taken.

Most aren’t. It’s nearly all going to be online.

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It’ll be all online by the end of October I’d say.

Pubs, restaurants and hospitality venues account for around 20 percent of all Covid transmissions, according to the government’s deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam.

In a call with around 90 MPs and peers this morning he told them pubs alone count for nine percent of transmissions of the virus, but when it is added into all hospitality venues it pushes it “well beyond 20 percent”.

I was only half listening, Sue from Rossendale was screeching so badly I tried to tune out. Anyway it seems its 3% in the last week, and 44% from schools & universities.

390 cases. No deaths. 209 in Dublin. 27 in Cork.

Two more weeks

A Fucking leaflet drop.

They are now taking the piss.

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That’s a relief, just two more weeks and we’re out of the medical dictatorship

Groundhog day

Relatively speaking the concept of time for this government is like the movie the labrinth with David Bowie. You can never get to where you want to go and there is no end in sight. I guess time never stands still so there is some merit to their 2 week ramblings.

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In fairness that lyric is somewhat relevant to the topic

Like Zeno’s paradox, the two weeks can never be deemed complete as a new two week period is always initiated

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Cork will fall

Another 6 cases in Limerick, in keeping with the low number of cases there in recent weeks, but Dr Spin says it’s one of the five counties under threat of lockdown to Level 3… :man_shrugging:

I have been doing a running countdown of ten crucial days and understood there to be only 6 crucial days left.


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