Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

huge amount of media coverage today been attributed to a fella in his 30ā€™s who was actually sick from this thing. Whilst obviously this was a tough time for him this man is merely a statistical anomaly and it should be reported as such, instead it is being glorified and ultimately used to justify restrictive measures for an illness that has virtually no impact ( 0.13% mortality) on the general population.
That propaganda exercise is crass and reeks of desperation at this stage.

Still no sign of the Minister putting legislation in place to ensure nursing homes and care facilities for the population actually impacted by the virus have adequate PPE for their staff and training for same , in essence creating a sterile environment to keep the virus out. this is absolute negligence on his behalf.
The sheer futile element of trying to restrict the thing in the off chance it wont get into these care homes is sad and frustrating to watch , now we have news today where folks who have lost their income because of this nonsense no longer can avail of a mortgage breakā€¦ what the fuck is all this for?
These restriction on the hospitality sector in particular are non value added and their impact on those employed in same is catastropic.
Protect the old and infirm, thats all the governments have to do, let those unaffected by this , and again there is a 0.13% mortality rate get on with it and ensure we have no unprotected contacted with those at risk ( ie >75 years of age and 100% stay the fuck out of care homes)


That lad tonight was used as a puppet to spread fear at the daily briefing.

For balance they should have someone there tomorrow who had no symptoms and was perfectly fine when notified they had it.


thatā€™s the second fella now, ironically the first fella from cork also worked in the HSE, there was some other LGFA radiologist type as well back in Spring i think - its a bit ridiculous to be honest

I think largely they are preaching to the converted. If messaging isnā€™t clear from the start it is nearly impossible to keep a captive audience. If they didnt do press conferences every day it may help but there is only growing apathy.

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Did they find any previously unknown underlying conditions with these folk? I met with a friend at the weekend who had the virus last month. He said he was fine bar lack of taste. This lad was diagnosed few years back with a serious heart mermor in his mid 20s. He had no issues with the corona, so how are these ā€˜healthyā€™ people at deaths door according to NPHET

Because deaths are falling they are rolling out ā€œLong Covidā€ as something we donā€™t yet fully understand meaning they have no evidence of anything and are reduced to anomaly anecdotes


Great hurling from the lad at oxford

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Girl i know had it. Very bad asthma and immune issues. A reason she was tested. She had a bad headache for a couple of days.

All viruses can have nasty medium or long term effects and some commonly lead to fatigue for months afterwards.

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ā€œlong covidā€ is nothing more than a theory at this stage with no scientific data available to quantify if it actually exists or not.
And more importantly if it does indeed exist what % of those who get the virus actually experience this

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I think people need to take personal responsibility. Thatā€™s the clear message. Some people just cant be saved from themselves.

What I have a hard time reconciling is why practically every developed country across the world would willingly destroy their economy to protect people from a virus that only affects a minority seriously, if TFK was to be believed.


Limerick should be targeting a Level 1 judging by these numbers and - whisper it - a theoretical Level 0.

Get 500 fans in for the Junior A semi finals and finals itā€™s the least the people deserve

Probably asked here already but is morbid obesity considered an underlying health condition?

Morbid obesity is a serious health condition, not just for covid

It increases your risk of dying from pretty much everything

Failure to spell Fortnightly correctly casts doubts on the veracity of these figures.

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Its mad how this young fella got such a serious dose. Has nothing to do with him running a political blog pushing ffg spin?

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Mad isnā€™t it?

Seems the official strategy is hide under the bed and pray for a vaccine which may or may not arrive in an indeterminate amount of time.

Wouldnt want to have cynical folk around him to question him