Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Glynn was like David Moyes post Fergie, he never had the dressing room.

I remember seeing this back at the start and thinking… we’re fucked… I packed my bags for Kerry not long after. Stick men


(Number of Cases/Population of county) * 100000

I’m fairly sure.

yeah the multiplier of 100k is to give a calculated incidence that isn’t relative to the entire population, for example in counties that don’t have 100k. It’s an arbitrary number used in demographics and epidemiology

so (x/542000)*100000 = 81.2 therefore x = 440 odd - so 440 odd cases in cork in the last 14 days.

this is from last week

none of the LEA had a higher incidence than the overall.

the 100k is used as a constant to make the rate comparable regardless of population

Dr Tony coming back to put manners on the lot of ye.

Ah no the return of Dr Doom

You need Norma Foley

Leo is on board

Tony is coming back

All we need now is Simon on on the OIUTF bandwagon and we’re set :pint:

Is it still not population dependent as you are dividing the number of cases by the population of the county?

So say the south inner city of Cork has a massive boom in cases, but the rest of county is grand, that rise in cases will be masked by the overall population in the county. This is why they are talking about more localised lockdowns.

You’re a simpleton.

that rise in cases will be reflected in the overall rate for the county. It isn’t masked or dropped as your original post claimed

they’ve poo pooed lockdowns outside the scale of entire counties already haven’t they as people don’t just stay in their LEA.

Hi @BruidheanChaorthainn

Well it is because they’ve expressed a lot of concern at the rise in the incident rate in Cork, but that isn’t really reflected in the overall incidence rate of the county?

any rise in cases will cause the incidence rate to rise.

an absolute farce
none of them are sick , the virus isnt going to go away
what are they telling the kids, " well you see in Ireland x3 HSE snowflakes in their 20’s got very ill even tho nobody else under 80 did - so we dont want you seeing your friends get like that"

fuck off
its a joke lads , any rational , logical mind can see that these ad hoc restriction on a population not impacted are ludicrous – and its not like closing the place is going to " remove" the virus


Why did Leitrim shoot to near the top of the list a few weeks ago with only a small number of cases?

because the constant of 100k is unfair on them

Because it’s distorted by their population?

it’s not distorted. It’s the true rate of infection per 100k.

And why is that unfair on Leitrim?