Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

How will he spin this?

If he’s asymptomatic, he could spin it bigly for OIUTF

How though sure everyone knows loads of people are asymptomatic?

Thoughts and prayers with POTUS and FLOTUS at this time.

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Get well soon Hope Hicks :cry:

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Great to hear they’re still having relations. A strong union there.

If Biden could just wait another 10 days to “catch it” he is on the pigs back

Sure it doesn’t matter anyway ballymun beat them last week

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Finally they’ve something in common

POTUS will be working away while in quarantine getting shit done and will gather a sympathy vote. Meanwhile Sleepy Joe will be hiding in his bunker.

She called it mysterious illness

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This “comprehensive plan” that they already completely ignored when it comes to pubs, restaurants and now house visits, was due to be with us until April, I believe.

There does seem to be a very positive move towards OIUTF (common sense) lately. Be interesting to see how NPHET and the HSE try to ramp up the fear over the next few days. Glynn has to painfully admit the other day that the median age of the recent deaths was “in the late eighties” and there’s, literally, only so many young people they can wheel out with the as yet not even medically defined “long COVID” illness.


Glynn now can’t say anything without following it up with a “lots of young people get very sick too” -type comment.

BTW @Tierneevin1979 I personally know of one person who was always asymptomatic, never thought that he had covid19 and then tested positive in an antibody test which was performed at his university.

This man is in his 80s. The rest of his family all had a mild flu that lasted for about a week a few months ago so they think that in retrospect maybe the whole family had it but he was the only one tested for antibodies. The family is Italian.


I’ve made a quick phone call to a shrewd judge and have been told “Limerick is fucked”

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Yo[quote=“myboyblue, post:3287, topic:32413, full:true”]
I’ve made a quick phone call to a shrewd judge and have been told “Limerick is fucked”

You are on this site near on 10 years dealing with Lk people day in day out and only now you realise this ??