Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Has Monaghan moved to Level 3 yet?

Antibody tests aren’t very accurate and can produce a positive result where antibodies for other viruses are present.

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They’re waiting until a majority of those in the county can count to 3.

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Kerry now the only Irish county that would make the green list.

Edit: I forgot Leitrim. Everyone forgets Leitrim

The virus doesn’t give a fuck about Carlow or Kilkenny

And after everyone travelling to Kerry for their holidays too. I thought travel was lethal, isn’t that why we supoosedly won’t let anyone fly?

Anyone who travels anywhere (except Liechtenstein) will be dead in a month

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I don’t think the issue is that travel is lethal but moreso that it is impossible to employ a zero Covid strategy (which is nonsense anyway) which is what a lot of these academics want, while allowing travel

Who wants to be the tfk delegate?

Are they not both zero COVID, “tens of millions will die” merchants?

No, for balance McDonkey thinks only a 1 million will die.

Do they provide a free tinfoil hat?

They are. But they are trying to think outside of the box now to push through their ideas. That Tomas Ryan lad was on Pat Kenny earlier floating the idea of a citizens assembley to decide how we proceed as a country. They seem extremely confident they can convince the average Joe soap to lock down the country again and go for zero covid. Are you going to join the zoom meeting and ask a few questions?

I have a rare actual meeting to go to Monday

McDonkey’s colleague was in the Irish Times broaching this shit yesterday too.

They definitely planned this in their whatsapp group. Or wherever their secret society meetings take place! I wonder which of them the rest take their lead from? They are constantly banging this drum of zero covid which lets be honest is a pipe dream. Instead of focussing on seriously increasing hospital capacity and efficent test track and trace. I suspect they won’t give more attention to these issues because their mates in the HSE are too incompetent to manage them. And sure they love the limelight as well.

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lads NPHET is not responsible for making the health service better. That’s the HSE.
the sole remit of NPHET is to respond to emergencies.

Carry on.

NPHET would be better served speaking honestly and admitting the health service isn’t fit for purpose and that is the main driver behind current restrictions. They refuse to to do that though. Instead they are blaming young people and using scare tactics to try and stop the spread of a virus. Which is doomed to failure.

Ronan Glynn actively came out the other day and said the public need to stop blaming young people as they have been the most severely impacted by this and that they need to find a way to make their lives better while still remaining safe. Glynn actively talked down the blame culture.

You’re confusing the twitterati with NPHET, NPHET with the HSE and the HSE with the government.

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