Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Is there any evidence to say that the virus is now less potent than before?

Clearly death rates are down but is that just a factor of a younger, healthier demographic contracting it?

If that is the case then would herd immunity not be a better approach once proper thought and systems are put in place to protect the elderly and vulnerable.

Is there any evidence on what % of cases are asymptomatic? Surely this again gives us a greater idea, there could be many of us that had it but didn’t know.

Science has been completely and utterly mugged off by this virus. Still going around chasing their tails and not able to provide us with definitive answers on the most important questions.

A curfew would be great with the army on the streets to enforce it.

Molotov cocktails at the ready.

The scientists are too busy doing radio and TV slots and writing pop science books to do any research on the disease.


Add in a few trainees from Templemore and we’d be grand

Give them a few lengths of Wavin hose and the job is oxo.


You’d better panic buy some petrol.

Can we blame Blackrock/Carkies in general for this stance taken by the GAA?

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Over 2% of the American population has been confirmed to have been infected at this stage. The rates over there are still very steady in terms of new positive cases but the death rates seem to be falling.

The likelihood is though that the 2% figure could in fact be maybe 15-20%. Until such time as science gives definitive answers on immunity or potency of the virus we are going to be stuck in a quagmire.

It’s disappointing when it turns out that the smartest kid in the class is actually a dunce.

The Border Bull won’t see @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy stuck


240 admitted patients waiting on beds in Hospitals.

243 ICU beds out of 281 are currently occupied.

21 confirmed covid cases in ICU.

Is that better or worse than normal?

Tesco half price sale on toys last week was where it was it. Boxed the Santa big one off on Amazon there. God bless revolut.

What was the highest amount of people with Covid in ICU at any one point since is started does anybody know?

So that’s why they want level 5. Icu capacity.

No shit mate

About 140 in April in ICU.

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Around this time every year hospitals are overrun, waiting lists get longer and old people on trolleys make front page news. This could be an effort by NPHET to force hand of government to adress the limiting factors of capacity and resourcing issues.

155 on the 11th of April

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The Government will argue the HSE is extremely well funded, but it a basket case of an organisation that bleeds money.