Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Her temperature never went mad high, she was thrown down on Sunday and a lot of monday, bad cough and loss of taste (which we took as a huge symptom). Has been better today which we were relieved with as it seemed to indicate that if it was covid she was hit worse than most but was obviously well on the mend.
The relief is for our sanity to be honest, two weeks of looking at each other in this weather would have been hard work, I’ve taken on a few projects for the school for the last couple of days but I’m much happier in the classroom.



Can we apply for a downgrade to level 3.0 ?

Good news

Any history of tonsillitis? Used to affect my girl who would be coughing and run down from it. She is a thumb sucker too which meant she could pick up all sorts.

Since they’ve been removed it’s been brilliant for her. No coughing & feeling like shit every 6 weeks or so.

You do realise there was austerity in most of the EU countries between 2010 to 2017 .

And that the lesson has been learned and we’re not going back there.

We may get relief for a short while now but it is a one off . The recession is across the eurozone . If the EU were to insist of fiscal rules it would be writing its death warrant .

Ok. I’m trying to tell you that the EU has learned the lessons of austerity and it won’t happen in the same way again, most of the architects of austerity policies have now admitted they got it wrong. I’m also trying to tell you that with the recovery plan that’s been agreed they’ve torn up the old rule book.

We’re facing into an economic utopia so mate are we?

Happy days.

No, I didn’t say anything like that.

Signing in for the Covid payment guys.


Put the feet up and relax mate.

You’ve earned it pal.


Don’t mean to be a bollocks mate,

But what lessons exactly have been learned?

Has the EU changed the fiscal rules so ??

I intend to pal, finishing on Saturday evening until things settle. I’m in a lucky position of no loans or mortgages or kids, plenty in far worse situations.


Hard luck watch my toes

Be no fear of you pal, you’ll probably still get to save a nice few pound.

Nothing to spend money on sure.

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This situation is completely different to 2008 and onwards. In 2008 the economy crashed, the whole foundations crumbled and we propped up the banks to the cost of 80 odd billion.

Now we have suffered a shock which has prevented economic activity occurring for a spell but demand is still there as anyone working in home improvements will tell you.