Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I have seen it all now

Is there an echo around here?

if this is true the war that will follow will make the pandemic look like a tea party

Everyone is terrified of the Chinese.

Iā€™ve my finger hovering over the purchase button on skyscannee for flights to the US

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Thatā€™s the sort of attitude we need.

I wonder why?

Youā€™ll do nothinā€¦

1080 cases up north from from 6447 tests.

About 1 in 6 testing positive.

Iā€™ve a feeling these tests arenā€™t accurate at all somehow. These numbers are totally out of kilter with anything around the world.

Something is off anyway in my opinion.

it isnā€™t really.

NI is at about 16% positive. There are some places more - some places less

for those saying we arenā€™t testing enough - we are up there with the most per 100k in the World

Christy Moore is hardly a bandwagon. Its actually fairly niche.

Thereā€™s only a few hundred at each concert.

id say you could smell the sweaty bollix from the back

Two lads couldnā€™t play a match last night because a member of the FAI backroom team was sitting 190cm from them instead of 200 (less than 4 inches in difference). The backroom team person and the two players were, presumably, all wearing masks. All three are absolutely fine and have no symptoms whatsoever.

It was insanity what happened.

Who reported it?

We are testing too much

8 ICU admissions in the past 24 hours.

Fuck it. how close are they to testing the surge capacity?

34 ICU beds available.

254 general beds available.