Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

More levels than sense.

Only difference seems to be allowing non essential retail to open.

Donegal Monaghan and Cavan have fallen

The missus just said here “They can tear my hole” I’d be in agreement with her!

This is gonna take a long time
And I wonder what’s mine
Cant take no more
Wonder if you’ll understand
It’s just the touch of your hand
Behind a closed door

RTE having issues with the audio for the announcement :roll_eyes:

Sharon was caught on the hop when they came back from it.

She wants McDonkey to give her a rough horsing?

Would a fella who went to Cheltenham, attended a County final and had a few lads over to his house for cans basically be a serial killer?


She’s looking a fright lately.


Who’s announcing what?

They had yer man in the background doing his Marcel Marceau impression for it, as is required for EVERY political announcement these days - they should have just ploughed on.

Whissst now lads

That was remarked here alright

I think some people think Lockdown was like Italia 90 with Dr Tony calling off reducing numbers by the day as we sat at home

She’s prepping for Hallowe’en.

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I was due over to friends of ours for a bit of a feed on sunday. Am I allowed go now if we ate out the back?

Under 3.5 possibly, but we could be on 3.75 by Sunday.

Ye can ayte from under the beds.

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I’ll chance it I’d say, yer man is French and he has top notch food and wine

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