Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I’ll happily take it if it’s our only way out of this sorry mess.

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Even if it works, be next summer before we see the benefits of it so you’ll have another two lockdowns at least…and that’s if it work.

A secret poll is useless in a situation like this, other factors come into play as well, you’d need to be straight up with your loved ones if you refused the vaccine, might swing a lot of undecideds

They’re two good points by you. The unionist thing is very likely to scupper it but not IMPOSSIBLE either. The time one is the crux really. Surely someone has asked him this on one of his 784 media appearances??

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Baby we can talk all night.
But that ain’t getting us nowhere


Lads the vaccine will be here in a few short weeks. Should we go into a full lock down now to save as many life’s as possible before the vaccine is rolled out?

We won’t get a vaccine here for another few months.

The fear will be gone with a vaccine. It may well be a multi dose vaccine so the average Joe won’t get access to it til 2022.

Weeks I’ve been told. It’s over :pick: :pick: :pick:

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All because these useless angmohs can’t wear a mask for more than a few minutes because of ‘muh rights’ or ‘convenience’.

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I don’t know any pharma factory that can’t produce a couple of billion doses in a year let alone a few weeks. Unless the leave it open patent for the world, unlikely as the profits will be massive

We only need 5 million doses.

Nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Get a virus that has been shown to do no serious harm to 99.95% in my age group that get it, or take a vaccine that has been rushed through without any rigorous testing?


Then we need a scheme to schedule and administer these doses to all those requiring it. Should be a doddle.

POTY from Johnny :clap:

It was also a totally BS “takedown”. He was claiming they were catching 1 in 3 cases at the peak. Very scary that he’s doing he modelling.

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Unless we are the highest bidder. They are not just making a vaccine for OIreland. It will be interesting how countries react will we in a bulk buy with the EU. Will the vaccine be diverted like planes of PPE to the US

This is where you’d need a Michael Lowry/Dela type character in government…


Not a single one of those models were correct. Its madness we still listen to these guys

Themselves big Phil and Barry cowen to lead the goverment. Maybe bring back Bertie as an advisor. Big piss up at the end of it. No vaccine and a couple billion short