Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Spanish flu killed about 40 million in the same time frame back in 1918, this cod of a thing has killed about a million globally, and most of them died from something else, auld fuckers around 90 years of age that were in the waiting room anyway, its an absolute total farce what is going on, when will people wake up???


Of course Iā€™ve advocated fines from day one. But glad I could talk you out of the ridiculous notion of imprisonment. Now the majority just wonā€™t pay the fines and will continue on regardless.

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Modern man is just honestly that pathetic.

The meaning of life for 21st century man is to hide under the bed for 90+ years, shitting your pants in fear. If you think anything else youā€™re not an ā€œadultā€ and you need to ā€œgrow upā€.

Well maybe but then thereā€™s no point to the current restrictions either.

fines for visiting your auld lad who is 73? how will that go down in the next election? will Monty Burns stand over that? people have had enough, heā€™ll get what Michael Collin got if this continues

You can see the fear in peopleā€™s eyes today walking around.

A bit of slap and tickle with Dilly Dickers?

The only point is maintaining ICU capacity. Certainly not ā€˜eradicatingā€™ a virus or this zero covid rubbish.

Swedenā€™s approach is designed around appealing to peopleā€™s sense of responsibility, and no making rules mandatory or subject to consequences. I thought you were in favor of Swedenā€™s approach?

The fines will be introduced, Joe Duffy will go haywire, decent people will be in fear of them, skangers will laugh at them. Same as any law really. The virus will continue to motor away. The economy may or may not.

Iā€™m convinced the only way this things ends (bar a vaccine) is when Governments realise they canā€™t afford to subsidise everyone to sit and home any longer baking banana bread. Things will just have to reopen for good and hopefully by then better treatments/vaccine can control any spread and limit mortality. And NPHET will just have to be told to lump it.


A vaccine, whether it even works or not would be a huge boost. A placebo effect.
People would just get on with things, protected from the imaginary killer virus by an imaginary vaccine.

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Youā€™d wonder what the likes of Holohan, Professor Spin and Dr. No-Brain were at on a day to day basis pre - March 2020.

Are the matches being streamed?

this vaccine thing is a load of nonsense, it could take 4 years before there is a safe one, I liken this period to 1940 to 1945, its a lost generation

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Theyā€™ll eventually be a tipping point between health and the economy and the longer it goes on the more it will tilt towards the economy. NPHET would gladly keep everyone locked in their bedrooms for 2 years as thatā€™s their only remit but before long when borrowed money is no longer as cheap the government will come to the realisation that things have to reopen and stay open.

Up to a point yes but I donā€™t think itā€™s fair that Covid positive people go around infecting others. It also damages the economy because it frightens people into staying at home.

Thereā€™s possibly precedent in that itā€™s a sexual assault for someone with AIDS to have sex without a condom.

I donā€™t know what the Swedes think about Covid positive people out walking around, or what they do.

Iā€™m never going to get married or have a family. They have killed all my hopes.

Brenda and Nuala will be dead and gone but Iā€™ll be alive and old and lonely.


Donā€™t think like that, donā€™t let paddy state media brainwash you, its disgraceful what is going on in Ireland, its like the stasi, cunts,

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If I listened to paddy state media i.e rte and the big papers I would never have gone home to visit my parents, family and friends since last March. The whole thing is a load of bollix, go out There and start living lads. The whole thing is a cod