Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

It’s a clusterfuck. Today is a very sad day.


The teachers unions need to tell those cunts where exactly to go!


Their uselessness is well matched with the HSE.

Heard of a school where a kid with special needs had contracted the virus. Stayed home for 3 weeks. Their (pregnant) SNA who would have spent a lot of one on one time with the kid knew nothing about it until the kid returned to school and told them yeah I had coronal virus. When the SNA asked the headmaster they said they knew all along but were not allowed to say anything because of GDPR. SNA ran home in tears and has not returned to work since

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This is absolute insanity lads.


Good point there from a restaurant guy on the radio, what happens to them on the 1st of December? If we are back to Level 4 then they’re still basically shutdown as that’s still outdoor only dining.

Ireland sent back to 1700’s

What time is the announcement?

There wont be a country to go back to lads.

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Whenever #leotheleak decides.

Seriously, what time?

If they said look lockdown like fuck for six weeks and at the end we’ll go level one for December or something you could maybe understand it. But there’s no end game in sight or even an idea of what they would consider a success from this. Instead they’ll cause shops to be absolutely rammed today and if they give a lead in for the following days also. Then they’ll shut down retail so everyone will buy their Christmas presents online and all the money will leave the country, while we spend billions of taxpayers money to keep those people we’ve put out of work alive. They didn’t even give level three a chance.

We’ve lost our fucking minds.


Ah there will be.


Sound… I haven’t caught any news today and rte site is scant on times

Perhaps they have a cunning plan?

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I stress according to my man in Leinster House the situation is ‘fluid’ but 9 is the most likey time at this point

Its insanity.

Leo should resign tonight.

5 stage plan:

Tis an ill wind …