Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Pretty sure singing is banned

1269 cases

13 deaths


A few deaths from March?

Were these people in ICU?

Expect about 12 of them to be ā€˜denotifiedā€™ next March


They were so excited to show the jump up in deaths to give themselves validity that they released them early.

Why do the LIDTF ignore hard data, the hard facts. Itā€™s soul destroying. Looking forward to the numbers on the Slovaks experiment, should hopefully give a dataset that canā€™t be swept under the carpet with a torrent of emotive bullshit.


Fair play to the Slovaks for having the enlightenment to do something like this. We seem to suffer from severe inertia in Ireland and always adopt a wait and see approach.

You can easily see how the British ruled Ireland for 800 years with 2 drunkards in Dublin Castle armed with sticks when you see the craic going on today


Thatā€™s a huge leap there to just apply a figure to the global population crudely.

Anyway, I didnā€™t make my point very well. I donā€™t think there is anything definitive to say this is no deadlier than the flu. That might be your conclusion but there are many very credible studies asserting the opposite.

And dismissing it as just the same as the flu seems sinplistic to me. But Iā€™m talking in general, not specifically to you.

I donā€™t have a strong feeling one way or the other on it. @Tim_Riggins made some good points at the end of the last thread and Iā€™d have my doubts about the accuracy of conclusions being drawn by NPHET and their conservative stance. But Iā€™m equally unpersuaded by almost everything I read which attempts to show the disease isnā€™t significantly more deadly than flu (I.e. Multiple times more dangerous). And anyone proclaiming certainty on either side just seems wedded to their stance and construct logical leaps to support



According to the fella that served me a heap of cut price alcohol, the Loop MAY be closing tomorrow and he MAY be unemployed Thursday. The DAA will inform him in the morning

Thereā€™s yer man on the RTE News again with more leaks on the new restrictions and the fines which might be on the way.

Itā€™s not dismissed as just the same as the flu, itā€™s dismissed as just a bad flu. As in ā€œWhatā€™s the story with this lads, just a worse type of the fluā€.

Look, Iā€™ll do it again now: so itā€™s a few times more deadly than the flu, who gives a shit?

The post I was replying to said its mortality was right in the middle of the flu mortality range. Just as an example.

Few lads showing serious signs of cracking here. You need to relax lads. This is what it is. Go with it. Look after your loved ones. Try keep the crazy in and away from them if you can.

fines is political suicide

thatā€™s horrendous, thanks to the coalition of chaos