Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


You want to make me your spamming project for a while, how nice.
Twenty five years spamming the internet, your family must be so proud.
Your devoted followers will be along shortly :grinning:
No offence, really, but my God what an existence

I haven’t dealt with you in five years, its obvious you are having a very serious mental meltdown with your attacks on the likes of @iron_mike .You should take a break from it. Its a very tough time coming up for ye in Ireland for the next 3 months, that anger will get you nowhere


It’s no more of a leap than any other quoted mortality rate, they are all based on estimating the number of people that have been infected. There is huge uncertainty around that number, especially back in the Jan - March timeframe when the virus was spreading like wildfire and there were no suppression measures in place in western countries. Since April we have seen more of a controlled spread with a huge increase in testing, so I would give more credence to the post April mortality numbers.

I think stating this is no deadlier than the flu or stating this is multiple times deadlier than the flu are both wrong, and that has been my position since very early on. The progression of this disease is very different based on the age and health of the person infected, you only have to look at the data on children to see that. The hospitalization rate for Covid+ adults in the US is 188 per 100,000 population, for those <18 it’s 8 per 100,000, similar to the flu. But just as with adults, most of the children hospitalized had underlying heath issues, 40% were technically obese.

What this disease is highlighting in the US at least is the dreadful shape a lot of people are in, 20% of kids are obese ffs. Obviously the elderly cannot help being old, but the rest of the adult population can take some responsibility for their health, especially when it comes to the example they are setting for the young.

look, as I’ve said, I live in the real world, I wouldn’t be taking advice from an internet lifer with a fantastical imagination. Continue spamming by all means but it’s dreadfully boring now, but it’s your identity, hard to kick, that’s probably what you’re trying to do during your hiatus periods,

I’ve never had an issue with @iron_mike, I hope he doesn’t think my advice was bad minded

The nice guy act slipped badly there.

I’ve been through enough shit and get offended by very little on here anymore. I don’t have an issue with anyone. We’ve all got to get on with it now and each to his own on how to handle it.




Your attitude to life is great mike.


I don’t want you to hold any grudges. Can we be friends on the Internet?

@iron_mike is Internet royalty


Just had a telephone conversation with my mother.

I was saying I was very annoyed with the Level 5 situation, she was saying “sure what did you expect”, which is fair enough.

Then she said that she hopes the numbers are down so that I can come home for Christmas dinner. Of course I say that I’ll be coming home anyway. She says “No, your father and I are law abiding citizens.” I say something about “You can never let the government come inside your family like that.” and I say something about having a constitutional right to a family life. And she just laughs it off.

The country is gone. Ireland is gone.

This reminds me of an old family story I heard once or twice. On my mother’s side of the family, long before I was born, there was an uncle or a cousin or something way back in day who married a Protestant woman and because that wasn’t the done thing at the time and not respectable no-one in the family ever saw him again. It was more important to be upstanding respectable middle-class people than to stand by your family. I remember thinking when I first heard that story how wrong it was.

I posted on the previous thread about how much of the lockdown was about middle-class aspirational fools. Sometimes I think that being a respectable middle-class person is the most immoral thing that you can ever be.

I’ve half a mind now to call her up again and give a right-wing diatribe, “Are you a fucking Chinese communist, etc”, but it will do no good.


I’m flying into to Shannon on Christmas eve to spend Christmas day with my parents. Fuck level 5. I’ll be paying no heed to it


Good on ya and good on your aul boy.

See the problem with Level 5 is, I don’t give a fuck, but other people do and it takes 2 to tango.

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Wearing that tie has really changed you Mike.

I’m one of the lucky ones kid. Took me the last two years to realise it. But I’ll tell you one thing. All this shit we’re dealing with right now. Its walk in the park stuff.


You wading in with the size 10s definitely doesn’t help matters. You’ve caused endless trouble here since the weekend.

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Would you not have noticed before now if she was Chinese?

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Meath has fallen.

I never caused no bother, mate. I wouldn’t know how.

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