Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

What a horrific upbringing you must have had with two loving parents in a nice house

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Am i mistaken but i thought their was tough restrictions in the north of Ireland?

It might not be for everyone. I appreciate how tough youā€™ve had it and I dont doubt how tough youā€™ve been to come through it (iā€™ve given you upwards of 30 likes accordingly) but this lockdown might be incredibly tough for some.


Every day we wake up, we should be thankful weā€™re not dead in a ditch somewhere.

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We issued a budget last week and didnā€™t factor in a lockdown in the forecasts 6 days later. Weā€™ve also changed strategies to a seesaw approach to the Economy 6 days later. Was Paschal out those days it was discussed. Last weeks budget is basically in the bin now with the fucking living with Covid shite we got in the door 10 days ago.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s any point in being mates with a fictional character, those bridges were burned a long time ago with the Jimmy Saville stuff,
But itā€™s not that I have any enmity with you, I just donā€™t take much notice, but the constant spamming here is hard to ignore.
Itā€™s hard to credit people still pay attention to you after all these years though, youā€™re doing something right anyway. The leader of your fan club is hilarious :laughing:

Serious fault lines showing


:scream: :scream: :scream:

Seamus is a snitch

Iā€™m very sorry for that stuff. I didnā€™t mean it. It was inappropriate and wrong


We are being fed a pack of lies about virus in schools and I have no doubt numbers are being massaged or else they wont do the testing. They have redefined a close contact.

Iā€™ve a few issues with you, you planet killing cunt


Ah it is and I certainly donā€™t mean to undermine anyone who finds it tough. But there are certain individuals out there who just live to wallow in it and will use any excuse not to pull themselves out of a rut

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Just write off Christmas and focus on saving 2021. Any long range forecasts yet about Cheltenham in March? Will the horsey people be allowed travel?

Was she getting the Christmas cakes ready?

@Tassotti , what was the story with Jimmy Saville?

I made a disgusting comment about @backinatracksuit a few years ago. It was wrong.


Well itā€™s great to see that youā€™ve grown as a person since then.

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