Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


… * stuff is scarce so that’s a hurtful enough post tbh.

You need to make peace over that incident.

I’m very sorry about it.

I publically apologise to him. I did wrong.

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We need the iodine tablets pronto lads

1000 euro fine and a month in jail for a house party

60 euro on the spot if you stray beyond your 5km escalating if you don’t pay to a criminal conviction

Who sneered at it being a police state or that cops could come into your house ?


Surely all you have to do is say you’re going to the shop to avoid a fine

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Going to shop is not allowed. Going to a grave is.

Seamus wants another 6 months fully paid off.Whats an ASTI Activist btw?


€10 a head for 50 people at a house party is decent value in fairness.


I presume they wont do you for bringing a few messages into the parents?

Who’s laughing now?

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John Bull will be putting on his tweed jacket in the Cotswolds next March while Paddy is still in no man’s land somewhere between Lockdown 3 and Lockdown 4.


They’ll be mad on the power. They could decide that is not essential.

A grave is the safest excuse.

Well the father is looking for a few bits. I said ld drop them in around 3.30 on Sunday.

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Bringing the kids to a graveyard down by the sea will be a a regular Sunday activity I think

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There’s a few of your ancestors graves around here, about time you brought some flowers down to them

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Another Shit Teaching Imposter…just made that up , seriously chuffed…

You’ll be fine. During Lockdown 1 that reason was challenged at checkpoints but fuck them.

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The WHO giving NPHET a scolding here