Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Poor auld Phil Hogan must be seething.

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I’ve booked a haircut for December 1st - are things due to open that day or December 2nd? Has my barber erred in accepting a booking for December 1st?

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Just don’t drink the complimentary bottle of out of date warm beer indoors and you should be ok.

You go into that hairdressers and you’ll be arrested on the spot


I think it’s the second.

Its cold and wet out too.

Leo was right to take on this cunt, shame on us all for not marching behind him when he stood up.

NPHET are going to announce a huge number of cases this evening I fear

They are no mugs. They’ve a heap in the arse pocket

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Throw in a low number every once in a while so that when it falls off the series we have a worrying increase in the 5 day rate

Barber’s own app.

I’ve rebooked for December 3rd as a precaution.

If people are having Christmas dinner with others, Prof O’Neill says:

  • they should bring their own dinnerware
  • have a single person do all the serving to keep numbers down in the kitchen
  • stagger people sitting around the table to avoid people sitting opposite each other
  • have good ventilation
  • do not to spend too long in each other’s company

“You can’t be having ten hours in a stuffy room together playing family games,” Prof O’Neill said.

He said ventilation is one of the key pieces of advice from the Center of Disease Control in the US, which is guiding people on how to celebrate Thanksgiving safely.

"Good ventilation, open the window, have a heater on if you get cold.

“Stick grandpa by the window and have a good breeze blowing through, and this will really decrease the risk, so it is possible to have a Christmas together,” Prof O’Neill said.

Fuck off O’Neill.

I’m going to Tipp for a very short Christmas visit (Mrs has to be at work for 2pm Stephen’s Day). I won’t be bringing my own cutlery

Sorry I re-read that there. It was a wind up.

Puke O’Neill

Sounds like you are planning a meaningful Christmas

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Just tell people to not be out doing friends dinners and generally limiting movements pre Christmas Day ffs.

Limit of six people at Spanish Christmas gatherings

The Spanish government is planning to limit Christmas and New Year gatherings to six people and to set a 1am to 6am curfew for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, according to a leaked document seen by several Spanish newspapers.

Tony will get some horn when he sees that.

• Germany ’s 16 federal states plan to allow gatherings of up to 10 people for Christmas and New Year festivities, and will set out their proposals in discussions with Angela Merkel tomorrow