Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Cuntish enough take from this person. Whatever your stance is on restrictions around this virus and the narrative over the last 12 months, it has brought out the very best and worst in people in equal measure. You would wonder what media will ever talk about again after this year.


Surely the businesses these people work for should be contributing towards their heating and lighting bills. I’d imagine these bills have increased exponentially since they have been wfh.

You get a tax refund for it, or the business pays is my understanding

We pay an allowance voluntarily but I expect it will have to be regulated. Labour laws will have to be updated to reflect these new hybrid working models. Equipment allowances, energy allowances etc.

You are entitled to a tax refund for it. A few euros per day worked from home.

If you are working from home, you may be eligible for tax relief on expenses like light, heat, telephone and internet usage.

If your employer pays you an allowance towards these expenses, you can get up to €3.20 per day without paying any tax, PRSI or USC on it. If your employer pays more than €3.20 per day to cover expenses, you pay tax, PRSI and USC as normal on the amount above €3.20.

If your employer does not pay you an allowance for your expenses, you can make a claim for tax relief at the end of the year. You will get money back from the taxes you paid.

People’s expectations were such that they thought the gift would be so shit they couldn’t be arsed replying to the email with their address.

I presume you’d have to supply a proper office chair and a desk.


Seems every private sector working responding to you here is wondering what the fuck you’re on about here?? Was this just a Sunday indo style excuse to have a dig at the public sector?

I need an eye wash after reading that.

Just wondering, seemed very harsh but that’s the rat race it seems

If the terms of their contract of employment changed without consultation or agreement they could take a case but to you’d hope ,particularly with regards to the solicitor , they negotiated to take a hit now with a review at an agreed date to discuss the restoration of 100% pay and also the 20% Back pay further on down when normal targets are reached…

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Real unlucky for Tipperary GAA that (as well as and was already taken.

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Lockdowns are wrong, wrong, wrong.

Or an allowance to buy them. And a large monitor if someone needs it. was free though


Why? If they’re doing the same amount of work?

Antarctica has fallen

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When they get this under control McConkey and Killeen will mark Antarctica as further proof a Zero Covid strategy works