Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


You sad cunt

Not sure if serious.

Your incessant bitching is becoming very cuntish, mate.

Christ, what an absolute cluster fuck. That story should be shared if only to educate the rest of the country. Some people still don’t get it obviously.


It’s very similar to what happened in the Castlefinn area after everything opened in August and September.

Up here a couple of full funerals held and a cunt of a publican not adhering to the rules to the point of running buses into the North. The numbers were never properly brought down in Donegal after that.

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It’s very inconsiderate at least and shows a lack of responsibility

Was he running buses for the funeral crowd?

More unsung heroes.

And still no recognition for the IT workers who actually did save the country



Well done to the nerds


I remarked to the missus only last week about how great technology is and in particular the internet and how without it over the last year we’d be on the floor.

Well done mate.


I’d say those of us working in Automation are even further down the list :worried:

No people going on the beer when the pubs weren’t locked down over there during summer. Allegedly.

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or the semi conductor engineers who build the transistors that are used to further data processing .
I think I’ll applaud myself tomorrow night at 7pm in front of my laptop

Happy Christmas one and all .
its been a fucking blast of a year in fairness


In 40 years time we’ll be like those auld fuckers who lived through the blitz. Telling the young ones they are all gone soft.


Ate the turkey alone in your room is the new advice :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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