Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The penny beginning to drop with the OIUTF crew.

The new English virus had been a gamechanger

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look at this granny killer, absolutely no responsibility

no mask or nothing on

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He looks like the fella with no willie in father ted


He’s brought the mink virus back from that Dane.

The bastard.

Who’s thay eoin dineen amadan, I see him sticking his oar in all over the place on Twitter.

Yeah can’t save everyone and we live in a basket case of a country. OIUTF and drive on

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this new strain is even less deadly than the last cod of a strain, lockdowns have been proven to be a disaster, why do they keep doing it top people, its all theatre

Big play from borris to hide thr economic suicide in Britain.

Charlie is a sound man, a FOTF. The Belgians have infected him because they’re trying to drag us down to their level.

It’s a wonder no one has tried that yet.

We had a half aresd living with covid plan that was essentially binned due to the reactionary nature of the powers that be

You get a much better class of virus on the mainland.

A third strain of the virus has been confirmed by Matt Hancock just now, even more contagious


Its come from South Africa


If you have been there in the last 2 weeks, you must isolate yourself immediately

Hancock is pulling new strains out his hole all week

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Hancock is a great speaker