Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It kills old and vulnerable people. They were hit in first wave before anybody knew what was going on.

Second wave - older and more vulnerable seem to have been better shielded.

Truth is nobody really knows. Iā€™d buy into the theory that most people donā€™t spread it but there are 1 in 10 super spreaders who wreak havoc.

They know what they want.

dont know about that. The rate of spreading down here is fucking huge. and it wasnt just one super spreader, there are clear links of one to another to another and so on. The only positive thing is a good few elderly people have got it but havent died as a result and there havent been many hospitalised from it either. Whether it is milder or just people are able to take it if already in decent health I dont know.

So did one super spreader create a few more. Was this a proper wake, people jammed together for hours? And are those getting it now their family members or is it being passed on to shop workers and those they only slightly interact with?

938 cases

13 deaths


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Jesus Christ, close the pubs tonight, lads ye are in big trouble

The pubs have to go before they actually cause a case


The six week lockdown worked like a dream.


It would be great if we could do something to solve this sorry mess, but we canā€™t.

@Tassotti has @Heyyoubehindthebushes bamboozled completely here. Heyyou canā€™t work out whether his leader is OIUTF or not anymore. Itā€™s like when a corner back turns his back on a fella soloing through and ends up twisting this way and that until he falls on his hole.


Nope. Just wait for the vaccine now.

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Just talking to a scientist friend working at Cambridge University. He says the London strain is real but the one to be worried about is the SA strain. That has independently evolved some of the same mutations as the London strain but reportedly affects children worse. He drew an analogy with Spanish flu where a second, more dangerous strain developed and spread the globe.

Iā€™d say thereā€™s a decent chance of school students working from home and you could forget about ā€œjust vaccinate the vulnerableā€. Weā€™d all be vulnerable, the entire population will need to be vaccinated. Time to just grow up and accept that none of us will work again until 2022.


its over, Iā€™m going down to Tesco for a bottle of whiskey

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Just the boost we need heading into the new year. Working from home with kids hanging out of you.

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Itā€™s fizzling out

We need to shut down living

You could see by the look on Hancocks face today at the presser that the South African strain was very serious, this is gut wrenching shit

Right now we just have to protect the vulnerable from the South African strain, people like you and me.