Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I’ve never understood that one and have had issues with it from day one

Yeah 5km whether you live in Roundstone or Ranelagh.

Yes, local restrictions. What about the other 45m people in France?

What part of local are you not getting?

Spot on. Tesco practically giving it away for free for Christmas encouraging house gatherings and the virus loves a nice house gathering, meanwhile pubs can’t open and no going to the gym allowed all for the good of your health

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you’re saying that’s not draconian? A 10pm curfew?

They were testing significantly more by mid April

By late March they had tested just 30,000 people.

You are not comparing like with like

Nolan’s modelling even showed it dipped below 1 prior to March 28th

Hospitalisations had peaked within 2 weeks of lockdown, which tabs to cases

If you bothered to read what I said and not go off on a tangent…

The 26 has the most draconian lockdown measures in Europe. You are focusing on regionalised lockdowns that effects less than a third of the French population where the incidence rate is far, far higher than Ireland.

Why do you feel the need to be disingenuous and misrepresent things?

you stated this wasn’t a pandemic problem, it was a health service one and you’re accusing me of being disingenuous?
There are countries with much higher numbers of ICU capacity than us with draconian measures in place. Because of the pandemic.

You can have a pissing contest all you want about the measures.

The problem is the pandemic. To claim otherwise is absolutely foolish

Were there restrictions in place prior to march 27th announcement? I genuinely can’t remember

It is a health service problem.

The 26 have the most draconian and slowest moving lockdown in Europe and has nowhere near the highest level incidence rate.

Are that much of a halfwit that you cannot see the way those two factors are pulling in opposite directions?

its a mickey mouse lockdown, no one is following the rules, John Bull has had enough of this shite, Paddy should follow his lead

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the health service is a problem. You said it wasn’t a pandemic problem. The pandemic is the major problem

It isn’t a pandemic problem in Ireland.

It’s a health service problem.

This is the issue.

We close down businesses over and over but do not have a serious grasp on what will control the virus. Weeks ago when they hadn’t done proper surveillance, NPHET claimed indoor dining. Now it’s shopping in Nimble Figners.

People want to know the justification of closing a gym right now in the South whilst they stay open in the north. On the other hand, people want to know why schools close there but open here.

Your consistent message is that this is a crisis and they are doing their best. We know for a fact they fucked up on tracing, and they had months to build a system with hundreds of millions thrown at it.

We know what is effective, it is good test and trace.

Don’t let them beat you, don’t let the likes of egghead and monty burns beat you,. you are better than that

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almost noone downloaded the tracing app. It’s hard to generate compliance when trust and communication is broken.

I think they are doing their best, to assume otherwise would to think they are being deliberately negligent or have malcontent intentions

Ok Mate.

have you got that picture of monty burns doing the fang thing mate? its a classic

Christ almighty, it’s painful to have to read your shit again, incredible that some lads have you on a pedestal when you’re just repetitively spamming the board all day long :man_shrugging: what a strange existence



60% of adults had by August.

Why feel the need to lie here?