Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

How many deleted it?

the uptake was brutal

Due to miscommunication, trust and a general lack of compliance to tracing

I am going to purposely contract corona and head to Easons and spit on every copy of Luke o Neil’s book I can find


That’s not uptake. That’s people downloading it, including foreign people curious on how it works.

“Almost no one”

The article says it was running on over 1.1 million devices.
It was installed 1.7m times and deleted 500k times.
That is good.

Separately, the HSE said that of 648 close contact alerts issued to app users since launch, just 349 of those, or 53%, have consented to being contacted by contact tracers.

However, the total number of registrations according to the app itself at the time of publication was 1.734m, a difference of 564,000, or more than a third of the number of people who are supposed to be using it.

Meanwhile, a new study by the Economic and Social Research Institute (Esri) has found that widespread misconceptions about contact tracing exist among the Irish public, including almost half of people not realising that the system is free to use.
if 1 person has it and 2 people don’t it’s absolutely fucking pointless
the first bold sentence there is a huge problem

The attempt at tracing has been a failure, in part to bad communication, and also the inherent lack of trust in Irish people with giving information

That’s alright mate, you’re not allowed to see them anyway.

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You are starting to crack mate, thats ok, most of Oirleand is now ye are facing 12 week lockdown, don’t be lashing out at @iron_mike though, Will I send you an invite to my online zoom meditation session?


and a gang of cheerleaders following on after him :smiley:

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Post up the link there kid, I’ll join

You’re grand,
I live in the real world, your makey uppey old shit doesn’t interest me at all

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You might take him seriously if he didn’t look like he should be swinging something round the altar in a rural parish in the early eighties, and smug he got the gig

You have been proven to be 100 percent correct and it’s driven a few fellas around the bend.

Chief Cheerleader number 1

that’s @Tassotti singing and @BruidheanChaorthainn @Batigol and @TreatyStones dancing in the background

I deleted it last week when I realised that I didnt want to be a pawn in Dr Tony’s game. Around the same time I realised that I would never allow myself to be tested, unless it’s a mandatory nationwide thing.

WTF was Nolan saying that they couldn’t trace past 2 days when most adults had downloaded this thing?

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I have Nolan on mute mate. I don’t listen to him

Why would anyone allow a stranger to insert a 6 inch tool up there their nose to see if they have a cold? I’ll never get a test or take a vaccine for this cod of a flu

You could wander around the city licking door handles?

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@Tank Some light lockdown reading


No one will insert their 6 inch tool up you ever again.


I went to McDonalds for lunch and got harrassed by the lad on the door about scanning the app, so I left.

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