While I agree with you , the vast majority of that list you have put together there are simpletons. Barry Cowen probably coming closest to the real thing at the moment
You have too much zen
Professor Gerry Kileen
Ruth Dudley Edwards
Michael O Regan. In fairness what hope have the general public when the 4th Estate are circulating misinformation like this.
Larry Goodman
He’s surely wumming here?
What a dickhead
I really don’t think he is . There is a “D4” media bubble that is really divorced from reality . A lot of these guys have retired from MSM but are still in “ all you can’t leave behind mode “
To be honest you really have to come to the conclusion that huge swathes of the Irish media and populace spend too much time behind a computer screen liaising with similar people .
That’s incredible. Just stunning stupidity. Cunts.
We need to burn down the factories.
There’s almost an admirable level of ignorance going on there
There’s no ignorance at all, the prick knows what he’s at.
Denis o Brien, I’m sure hes already listed but surely he’s making a profit off covid
That has me fucking raging. He’s getting it in the neck in the replies. SF could ride this into government surely? Theirs to fuck up?
Let me like another of your posts there
What is happening in the meat sector now in chickens coming home to roost . No one gave the remotest fuck for near on 20 years as the cunts went head over heels for cheap labour .
Yes, correct, but first of all . Secondly, up until yesterday the majority of people were still floating a long with the establishment, although dissent was growing. Also a lot of the dissent was from crazy conspiracy theorists and cranks. So the media bubble probably felt very safe and entitled to their position.
There was a major change in attitudes last night. Check out the comments on that tweet from Michael O’Regan. I dont know if @myboyblue was joking when he talking about meat plants getting burned down but thays the direction we will go in. The establishment doesn’t see how vicious this will get for them and how quickly.
Mick was happy enough paying 2 quid for a rib eye in aldi.
Now a few counties closed and they are whinging like fuck about conditions in meat factories .
Christ he’s some dick doubling down