COTY Cunt Of the Year 2020 - Nomination Thread

That is despicable.

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I have no time for Prone either but I’d be extremely surprised if she wrote that particular letter. Its terribly written

Lest we forget

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It’s an email and if you look at the style between prone and Franny Fitz it’s her

I would agree with that. PR and state bodies shouldn’t mix

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That’s a horrifying read. Shows the CC in an awful light

Donie Casdidy

It was also an organisation with some tensions. Tom Savage, a former priest, was now Director General of RTÉ at a time when the organisation was focusing on child sexual abuse by his former colleagues. The Communications Clinic, while continuing to advise bodies associated with the Catholic Church, was now also acting for organisations representing the rights of abuse victims. Kate was asked to assist Terry Prone with her work in relation to the scandals.

I always thought it was strange that the big revelations against the Catholic Church in Ireland were broadcast first on the BBC…

Donal og

Feels uneasy about this but had no qualms about writing a character reference for a paedo


She’s a nasty nasty cunt

@Rocko, can membership be revoked for Prone supporters like these lads??

Mike says he has no time for her.
I said absolutely a cunt…

By God you’re a tough marker

I wouldn’t worry about it boss.Irs a common Wexford trait. Pull first and then go look for the ball.

As opposed to the Limerick trait of whining about your widdle fingie

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Are you sure it wasn’t his pinky?

There should be a “best of” COTY

Michael O’Regan


Yeah this fella is just after coming to my attention in recent times. He is so blatantly pro government and is unashamedly so. There is no subtlety. How he manages to be a journalist is open to debate.

I think he is from Kerry but not quite sure. What lead me to think he was from Kerry was when he was interviewed on Brendan O Connor and when asked about govts performance thus far during covid 19 and all nursing home deaths he delivered “ah shurlookit we could have Bojo or Trump in power and can’t we count our lucky stars we dont”.


Tubridy finished off a show a few weeks back with “if you think things are bad here just look at Britain or America”

Fucking arseholes.


He is. He claimed on newstalk last week his big sacrifice during the pandemic was the cancellation of the Kerry society in Dublin annual shin dig of which he was heavily involved. This was in response to selfish people house partying.

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