COTY Cunt Of the Year 2020 - Nomination Thread

Fine the club
Suspend the officers
Strip the trophy


Just when you thought things had reached their nadir up pops this cunt…
I just have this uneasy feeling that his days done, a year or 2 ago maybe, but he’s peaked…

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Death stalks his every step

You are a proper little Blueshirt

What? You agree with the officers of a club knowingly flouting the rules?

Might be hard to get to the bottom of it, but it looks like they knew exactly what they were doing.

They pretty much admitted it themselves.

It is the officers responsibility to follow the regulations. If they knew, and allowed the player play, then they should hang.

Mattie McGrath.

One of our better wums

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Roman Shortall


He’s more a pantomime villain than COTY.

I’ve met him. He’s a cunt

Take care now

Drew Harris.


Twitter dweeb Harry McCann

McConkey should be shu-in for this years award the fear mongering cunt.

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McDonkey is only trotting after Gerry Killeen in the fear mongering stakes.

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Anthony o Connor


Rob O Hanrahan

His latest tweet.