COTY Cunt Of the Year 2020 - Nomination Thread

Who nominated Vicki Phelan ffs?? Take her off the list.



Yerrah can I withdraw the nomination? AK47 has performed outstanding during covid and I have changed my mind on him. Vicki doesn’t deserve the nomination


I’m afraid not. You’ll need to stand over your despicable act and be dragged through the dirt for it.

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I expect the calls for a mass banning now. Like a politician I will refuse to acknowledge I was wrong and double down on the error of my ways.

I find it hard to believe anyone would call Vicky Phelan a cunt tbh. Even on here

It’s happened before

Vicky received two votes in a heat last year

He has to go

Only on TFK

@Special_Olympiakos and @Gilabbey_st

Ah well. That’s TFK. Some people have questioned a nomination or two of mine over the years

I tried to link that but I’m on the phone and it didnt work. At least @Heyyoubehindthebushes had the gumption to remove his nomination.

That’s e-career ending stuff right there

They have to go

Yeah I dunno what I was thinking :joy: more hate towards AK but as I have said he’s had a great 2020 in my books. I wouldnt be admitting to too many mistakes here

Williams is my nominee in perpetuity

I can understand. Sure you’d be all day admitting to mistakes you make that many of them

Throw up a picture and we’ll decide

The first 5 votes for Parkinson are all anons now :rofl:

Yeah but not too many on here think that @Heyyoubehindthebushes is a bollix.

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I do, as do half the clergy

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