Covers that are Better than the Original

Can we ban @glasagusban from this thread for an indefinite period?

You made a right bollox of yourself here.

Mulligan. Phone issues. This one:

Jesus fucking christ… don’t ever, ever post on this board about music again, ever.

You’d have to be fucked up in the head to think whatever that wench was warbling was better than the original. She is a terrible, terrible singer.

Glas is a music nut, he’s rarely to be seen without his earphones on

I quite like this version of Night Call by London Grammar.

I just hope to god @farmerinthecity never sees this nonsense

Maybe you shouldn’t have tagged me so.

very rarely something goes over your head farmer, but my tongue in cheek comment and deliberate tagging of you certainly did

He was being sarcastic you dumb cunt.

Mulligan. Phone issues. This one:
What. The. Fuck.

What are you giving me the eyes up to heaven icon for? What fucking song is it a cover of?

Oh how I wish I had that button.

I have already been sufficiently clamped Fagan. You can let this one slide.

Pixies - Head On


Better than the original :o