Crossword clue of the day




No, incorrect.
I can explain the way the clue works but itā€™ll give it away probably. Itā€™s a type of clue youā€™d always get wan of and sometimes two or (very rarely) three in a crossword


Do you see how the clue works ā€œcollected byā€

Yes, I am aware of that type of clue.

Tees is a river?
RIVER is in the clue(golfeR IVE Requested) but I donā€™t really get it

Well I was planning to leave it smudged until tomorrow so folk could have a try, but tees perhaps, means tees, for example.
And the answer is collected by, or gathered by, or caught in, or somesuch, the remaining phrase.
Itā€™s just the structure and phraseology used, which is why I like the telegraph one because thereā€™s only one or maybe two setters, and you can get a bit familiar with them.
I only post clues on here that Iā€™ve 1. Managed to get myself, 2. I like because they are cleverer (most straight anagrams arenā€™t especially imaginative, and 3. Reflect a type of clue that people may find informative in some way.
Itā€™s only a bit of fun.
I was only trying to help jahan think through it, though he seems irritated. Thereā€™s plenty of people here find them silly Iā€™m sure.
I donā€™t post ones I think are too hard or unfair either, just the one that day that I like, or sometimes two if I come across another after.

No irritation, your clue regarding the format gave it away for me.

13 letters of the alphabet

I saw that. It is tenuous beyond belief. I wouldnā€™t waste your time.

It baffled me at first look but I thought it might rbe rght up your street

The answers are so vague as to render it meaningless.

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Old French bread bagged by adolescent I meet (7)

Centime ?


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Cuts in central Greece producing blackout (7)

The answer is pretty easy but the clue itself is clever.