TAMPA, Fla. Former pro wrestling champion Brian “Crush” Adams died Monday after he was found unconscious in his home. He was 44.
He showed no visible signs of injury and foul play was not suspected, police spokeswoman Janelle McGregor said. Authorities were awaiting autopsy results from the medical examiner before proceeding with their investigation.
Adams’ wife, who was not identified, found her husband not breathing and called 911 about 11 a.m. Fire Rescue workers later pronounced him dead, McGregor said.
Adams, a former world tag team champion, last performed for the World Wrestling Federation in 2001 and served intermittently on the roster beginning in 1990, World Wrestling Entertainment said. WWE spokesman George Cabico had no further comment.
Adams death comes less than two months after pro wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and son before hanging himself on the cable of a weight machine in his Georgia home. Prescription anabolic steroids were found in the family’s home, raising questions about whether the drugs played a role in the killings.
That’s gas. Recently The (Not so) Great Khali has been employing a crush-type finishing move. When he first used it whoever was commentating exclaimed that such a manoeuvre had never been seen before in the WWE. At which point I said out loud despite being on my own, “eh… Crush”. And now he’s dead. Never really liked him anyway.
Ah yes. He used to have a catchphrase. He was from Hawaii apparently. Piper will know his phrase - it was ‘Aloa’ or whatever they say for ‘hello’ over there.
According to the article I just read on him (I’ve no interest in wrestling but I read a website called Steroid Nation which monitors the use of drugs in sport) he was the third member of the Demolition tag team. Also he was arrested in Hawaii some years ago with a large quantity of steroids and some automatic weapons.
I’ll remember the feud he had with Randy Savage in late 93/early 94 because Crush had cost Randy his commentating job on Raw and Randy would do anything to get his hands on him. This lead to a falls count everywhere match which Savage won when he attached Crushs leg to this pulley thing and tied it and he couldnt get back to the ring in 60 seconds. You had that amount of time to return after being pinned.