Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Happened on our road last year. Even In Fingal.

That is acting the bollocks. You might get a couple of cunts rolling down a window roaring abuse at you but that’s not on.

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They’ve already done @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Cuntish in the extreme. You’d have to be a fairly sick cunt to think that is funny.

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I like Tina, she has a great sense of humour.

agreed - a humorous put down

Martina sent your man home with tae in his mug there

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My wife has just headed off there now to buy herself a bike. I don’t think she has cycled in 20 years.

Fair play to FG and the Greens in advocating and developing the greenways. We’ve reached a tipping point.


200-300m before he rolled to a stop. Jesus. It is worth pointing out that if the BMW in the foreground was replaced with, for example, a Trek Hybrid, we would be looking at an old dude plastered across the front of a building.

great stuff

my work here is done

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Paddy has had a great TFK send-off. That must be the fifth time his funeral has been posted here.


Something for @tazdedub @padjo & @Bisto


Sound mate, send them on there


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I was posting it for the month’s mind. The bed of heaven to Paddy.

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He was a good guy and he can get as many mentions as he wants around this place.

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