Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Sleepy Eamon Ryan being a corrupt td throwing out government contracts? That’s less believable than Buckles being the baddy in Line of Duty.

Doubt that’s true

I saw a good people yesterday suggest it was the Phoenix park bike guy who got the contract anyway.

Is keaney not the Phoenix park guy ?

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Seems a stupid decision. You don’t have to go with the cheapest tender, it’s a no brainer to go with the guy who has set up the operation.

That’s pretty shit in fairness.

Covid couldnt mobilise the forum to fight back, but I reckon this could lads.

Yep .Think the likes of EI and IDA have been engaging with them locally over Bord na mona redundancies for years and ways to create employment …optics are shite bit if VFM is the main concern behind a tender then that’s the rules i guess … tender process will show how justifiable it was …

I’d say they’ve already lost out on the vfm by having to engage the Communcations Clinic to spin their way out of this.

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Don’t think they’re related, are they?

We’re all Irish whether from Offaly or Dublin. Why should a local get it ahead of a non local

Ye already get preferential planning permission.

Cc @Thomas_Brady

The man set up the business. They’re stealing it out from under him. If we dont reward entrepreneurship then nobody will do fuck all in this country.

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mods, can you please do a tidy up of this thread, this is for active travel related people on bikes not tourism

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Blame the requirement of state bodies to tender. 11 years with no tender is a fair run.


I accept your surrender.

Local jobs for local people.

has the laois today podcast commented?


They did but the sound engineer fucked it up.


Cheddar was unrale on it this week, hang on, I’ll get a link.

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