Cunts on Ghost Bikes

the vehicle is taxed based on emissions

I have no problem playing motor tax on my bike based on its emissions levels



if @Gman 's ridiculous reasoning was to catch on with members of the ‘outraged community’ then youd end up with all sorts of self righteous prick walking round with the tax disc of their motor pinned to their jacket jumping on and off public transport demanding it for free

Motor Tax goes towards local government to spend as they see fit
Roads are paid for by general taxation


You’d think a stooge working in the revenue office would understand how tax works. No wonder the country is fucked.


not entirely sure what reasoning or debate I put forward? I responded to an article with the subject line “Cycling do-gooders - if you want to be taken seriously, you should start paying road tax” and merely asked the question how many cyclists do not pay this “road tax”.

that’s it

you are slagging me because I may work in Revenue

hard hitting

I’m slagging you because you claim to work in revenue yet display extreme ignorance of how taxation works.




You don’t need to know how taxation works to operate the photocopier.


No fucking way pal. As someone who lives in the countryside and also cycles to work out of necessity, I have to agree with @HBV’s point below. Recreational cyclists on small country roads, are lethal. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve come around a bend and nearly planted into these fat out of puff fucks tootling along, 2 and 3 abreast, having a great auld chat with their chums. I’ve no issue with the fact that they’re doing something about their rotundness, but they need to use common sense when on a public roadway with cars, trucks, etc ffs.

On the flipside, on the occasions I’ve had to cycle in Dublin I’ve found the road skills and attention to the task at hand of the commuting cyclists to be exemplary.

Personally I cycle on my own in the country because no one can keep up with me plus I am anti social :slight_smile:

Commuting cyclists, no problem with them. But I think that the problem is the boy racers who think they are in the Tour de France on crowded city streets. Trying to beat their PBs by running red lights etc.


I’ll go along with that so.

We had one of my youngest daughters friends, Emer, on a sleep over during the summer, nice kid, lives about 5 miles away from us, while dropping her back the Sunday at lunchtime I came upon a fat sweaty Lycra clad cunt* trundling along the road on a big fancy racing bike, right on a big sweeping bend on the road.
I didn’t want to chance passing him in case a car came against me on the bend so I stayed behind him for about 2/3 minutes, all the while cursing him and mocking his fat figure and wondering why he’d bother his fat bollix getting on a bike at all and who the fuck did he think he was ? Sean fucking Kelly?
So eventually I passed him and little Emer was mad waving at him out the back window … yeah it was her father.
*I don’t think he’s actually a cunt.

I know. Yeah. Cool story bro.


You must have been on speed earlier on today balbec, there’s roughly 70 words in that post.

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Brevity is the soul of wit.

Unconscious Bias

I let a cyclist cross the road there this morning. I could sense she was going to need to take a right turn so even before she signalled I slowed down and let her make her manoeuvre. She got across the road safely and gave me a big thumbs up. It was a lovely little interaction.

Some cyclists are very nice.